Friday morning news: November 4, 2022 | WORLD – WORLD News Group - NEWS TODAY


Friday, November 4, 2022

Friday morning news: November 4, 2022 | WORLD – WORLD News Group

For WORLD Radio, I’m Kent Covington. 

NoKo ICMB / tensions » At the Pentagon, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin sent a message to North Korea on Thursday.

AUSTIN: We strongly condemn the DPRK’s irresponsible and reckless activities.

Austin heard there at a news conference alongside Defense Minister Jong-Sup Lee is heard by way of a translator:

LEE: Any nuclear attack by the DPRK, including the use of tactical nuclear weapons is unacceptable, and [will] result in the end of the Kim Jong Un regime by the overwhelming and decisive response of the alliance.

North Korea fired at least six missiles into the sea on Thursday, including an ICBM, that triggered panic in northern Japan. That came days after Pyongyang made nuclear threats against Washington and Seoul.

The North was angry over joint military drills between the U.S. and South Korean militaries. But Pyongyang’s actions may have backfired.

In response, Sec. Austin said they’ve decided to extend those exercises.

AUSTIN: We are returning to large-scale exercises to strengthen our combined readiness and our ability to fight tonight if necessary.

Austin described Washington’s commitment to defend South Korea as “ironclad.”

Campaigns » It’s the final push to Election Day and Democrats are pulling out all the stops.

AUDIO: I’m fired up! Thank you!

Former President Barack Obama campaigning for Democratic candidates in Phoenix.

OBAMA: Get off your couch and vote! Put down your phone and vote!

President Biden stumped in neighboring New Mexico on Thursday, touting his student loan forgiveness plan.

BIDEN: Despite what Republican officials say, we can afford this student loan program. That’s because of our historic deficit reduction.

But Republicans note that the Congressional Budget Office projects deficits of $1.6 trillion dollars per year for the next decade.

Meantime, in Iowa, former President Donald Trump campaigned for Republicans.

TRUMP: And if you want to save the American dream, then this Tuesday, you must vote Republican in a giant red wave!

A current average of generic polls gives Republicans a 3-point edge over Democrats.

GOP candidate attacked » In New Hampshire, a man attacked Republican Senate candidate Don Bolduc just before his debate with Democratic Sen. Maggie Hassan.

The retired Army brigadier general said the man appeared to take a swing at him, but Bolduc was able to dodge the blow. Bolduc described it as an attempted assault. He told WMUR:

BOLDUC: You know, if the police didn’t do their job, it probably would have been an assault. So I’m grateful that the police were there. I’m grateful they did their job.

So far, a 37-year-old suspect is facing charges of criminal trespassing and disorderly conduct.

The polls have the race between Bolduc and Hassan as a virtual tie, however, late momentum has been on the Republican’s side.

DePape may have been in country illegally » Immigration officials say the man who allegedly violently attacked Paul Pelosi last week was in the country illegally. WORLD’s Mary Muncy has more.

MARY MUNCY, REPORTER: The Department of Homeland Security says David DePape is a Canadian national and was in the United States on an expired visitor visa.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement has asked the city of San Francisco to release DePape into federal custody. That suggests he could be deported after serving his sentence, if he’s convicted of a crime. He faces a slate of felony charges.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband, Paul Pelosi, is recovering from serious head injuries.

For WORLD, I’m Mary Muncy.

Lapid concedes » In Israel, Acting Prime Minister Yair Lapid conceded defeat on Thursday as former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu prepares to return to power.

Final results showed Netanyahu’s Likud Party and its nationalist and religious partners capturing a solid majority in parliament.

The strong showing promised to end political gridlock that has paralyzed Israel for more than three years.

UN inspectors found no dirty bomb evidence in Ukraine » In Ukraine, inspectors have found nothing to support Russia’s claims that Ukrainian forces were planning to set off so-called “dirty bombs.” WORLD’s Kristen Flavin has that story.

KRISTEN FLAVIN, REPORTER: UN inspectors examined three locations in Ukraine after the Kremlin suggested they would find evidence there of radioactive weapons — or so-called “dirty bombs.”

They found no such evidence.

Western nations have called Moscow’s repeated claims “transparently false.” The accusations raised concerns that Russia may have been preparing to use such a weapon itself and then blame Ukraine.

Meantime in Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine, Europe’s largest nuclear power plant was again cut off from the electrical grid. It has been relying on emergency diesel generators to run its safety systems.

Fighting in Ukraine has repeatedly damaged power lines and electrical substations at the plant.

For WORLD, I’m Kristen Flavin.

I’m Kent Covington. For more news, features, and analysis, visit us at 

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